120 desinfecting wipes for clean & healthy PVC network
Payment in 3x without fees available for any order of 350€incl tax or more.
Product description
It has never been so easy to clean and disinfect the network. All is required is to vacuum one or two sanitizing wipes.
For the cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces, small material and non-invasive medical device.
Wipe dimensions: 130 x 200mm
Box of 120 wipes
Chlorure of benzalkonium, Trideceth –7, Ethanol, Isopropanol.
Microbiological properties
In dirty conditions (except *)
Bactericide EN1276*, EN13727, EN13697*, EN14561 (among MRSA) in 5 min.
Tuberculocide on Mycobacterium Terrae EN14348* and EN14563* in 15mn.
Fongicide EN14562* (on Aspergillus Fugimatus) in 5 min.
Levuricide EN1650, EN13697*, EN13624*, EN14562* on Candida albicans in 5 min.
Virucide EN14476 sur HBV, HCV, Adenovirus, Coronavirus, Norovirus, RSV, H1N1, HSV-1, Polyomavirus* in 1 mn, Rotavirus* in 15 mn.
Instruction Manual
Open the lid and remove the aluminium seal.
Then insert the wipe within the cover.
Product ready to be used and meant for single use. It is not necessary to rinse, except if the medical device is meant to be in contact with the mucuous membranes.
Carefully close the lid after use.
Dries quickly and does not leave any residues.
To use 3 months after opening.
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